01420 549593

Opening Hours, Fees and Funding options

Opening Hours

Busy Bees Nursery is open 5 days a week during term-time in accordance with Hampshire School Terms.

Our core hours are Monday–Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm, and Friday 8.30am to 1.30pm.

Morning Session         8.30am or 9am – 12noon

Lunch Club                  12-12.30pm

Afternoon Session      12.30pm – 3pm or 3.30pm


Our current hourly rate for our morning and afternoon sessions is £6.50, from January 2023 this will increase to £7 per hour.

Lunch Club is £4 per day.

Invoices will be sent out at the beginning of each half term and are due within 14 days.

Free Early Learning for Two Year Olds

Some parents may be entitled to 15 hours a week free care and education for their two year old.  This is for 38 weeks a year. (Term time only)

To find out if you’re eligible, please use the following link:-

30 Hours Free Childcare for Working Parents
(3 and 4 Year Olds)

This funding is available to working parents which allows your child to receive up to 30 hours free childcare in nursery.

Please use the link below for more details of how to apply for this.

Government educational funding for 3 & 4 year olds

From the term after a child’s third birthday they are entitled to 15 hours a week free care and education.
This is for 38 weeks a year. (Term time only)

If you require more than the 15 hours, please ask and we may be able to accommodate this.


Busy Bees Nursery Alton