01420 549593

Opening Hours, Fees and Funding options

Opening Hours, Fees and Funding options

Opening Hours

Busy Bees Nursery is open 5 days a week during term-time in accordance with Hampshire School Terms.

Our core hours are Monday–Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm, and Friday 8.30am to 1.30pm.

Morning Session         8.30am or 9am – 12noon

Lunch Club                  12-12.30pm

Afternoon Session      12.30pm – 3pm or 3.30pm


Our current hourly rate for our morning and afternoon sessions is £7.50

Lunch Club is £6 per day.

Invoices will be sent out at the beginning of each half term and are due within 14 days.

Free Early Learning for 2 Year Olds

Parents who claim certain benefits may be entitled to 15 hours a week of free care and education for their two year old. 
This is for 38 weeks a year (term time only).
To find out if you’re eligible and apply for your funding code, please use the following link:

15 or 30 Hours of Funded Childcare for Working Parents
(2, 3 and 4 Year Olds)

This funding is available to working parents which allows your child to receive up to 30 hours free childcare each week for 38 weeks a year (term time only).
Please use the link below for more details of how to check your eligibility and apply for your funding code: Please use the link below for more details of how to apply for this.

Funded Childcare and Education for 3 & 4 Year Olds

All children, from the term after their third birthday, are entitled to 15 hours a week of funded care and education. This is for 38 weeks a year (term time only). Any additional hours will be charged at our usual rates. 

Busy Bees Nursery Alton